JSON/REST connector - icon

JSON/REST connector

by Radiant Logic

JSON/REST connector snapshot image
JSON/REST connector snapshot image
JSON/REST connector snapshot image
JSON/REST connector snapshot image



This add-on provides generic JSON/REST connector. It is used to extract data from a third party application which publish its data over the web through JSON/REST. This is the case for most of the modern Cloud applications.


This add-on supports the JSON format as a response (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4627), it also supports web linking standard for paginated results (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5988).


Revision History


version 2.6.1


Fix issue to execute extraction as standalone


version 2.6


Add new parameter to handle retry when Web Service does not automatically manage HTTP 429 response code (rate limit exceeded)


version 2.5


Update of dependencies. Possibility to add the Map Id column in the columns returned by the Map syntax (see documentation)


version 2.4.1


Fix issue on Map syntax. Map syntax is now using sharp sign in front of variable name (#myVar) instead of dollar sign (${myVar} or $myVar)


version 2.4


New parameters added and compatible with Braille IAS


version 2.3


Support encoding of token value in Base 64 when authentification method is apiToken


version 2.2


Query parameter pagination enhancement, when Web Service does not provide the total number of pages or records in the JSON result.


Add a flag to increment the page offset. Some Web Services interpret the offset value as the first record to return to the page (lower bound included), while others embed this value (lower bound not included).


version 2.1


Pagination support when the total number present in the JSON response should be interpreted as a number of pages and not a number of records


version 2.0


Extension of authentication features, including OAuth2 and column definition capabilities


version 1.2.7


Solve bug when parsing empty sub elements


version 1.2.6


Handle simple non-array answers


version 1.2.5


Add an option to ignore bad server certificates


version 1.2.4


Supports nested escape sequences such as <<id>>


version 1.2.3


Add-on’s metadata update for the Marketplace


version 1.2.1


Add BasicHTTP auth, support nested anonymous arrays in JSON


version 1.1


Add iterator capabilities


version 1.0


Initial version


Average Rating:

 Very useful to connect to cloud apps

Sébastien Faivre 6 September 2018 Reply

This add-on is very useful when you want to extract data from cloud applications who provide a JSON/REST endpoint.
It can manage simple array answers and more sophisticated paginated results.

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File Version Minimum Product Version Download
bw_jsonrest_2.5.20851.facet2.5.208512017 R3 (2018-06-28)Login to Download
bw_jsonrest_2.4.20840.facet2.4.208402017 R3 (2018-06-28)Login to Download
bw_jsonrest_1.2.7.7935.facet1.2.72016 R1Login to Download
bw_jsonrest_1.2.7.7774.facet1.2.72016 R1Login to Download
bw_jsonrest_1.2.6.7083.facet1.2.62016 R1Login to Download
bw_jsonrest_1.2.5.7032.facet1.2.52016 R1Login to Download
bw_jsonrest_1.2.4.6762.facet1.2.42016 R1Login to Download
bw_jsonrest_1.2.3.5392.facet1.2.32016 R1Login to Download