Theoretical rights examples - collect - icon

Theoretical rights examples – collect

by Radiant Logic

Theoretical rights examples – collect snapshot image
Theoretical rights examples – collect snapshot image
Theoretical rights examples – collect snapshot image


Thanks to this sample add-on, find out how to include in your Brainwave GRC project analyses about theoretical rights by configuring the data collect.

This add-on includes three example files of theoretical rights matrix available in the folder “importfiles/bw_theoreticalrights/example”.
Therefore the add-on propose three different types of theoretical rights analysis:

  • on the unique HR ID (HRCODE) of the employees,
  • on the organization the identities belong to,
  • on the applications profiles and roles.

You are able to modify, complete these files or to add new ones and create theoretical rights analysis on different criteria.

This add-on works as follow:

  1. Silo and data discovery
  2. A silo file is provided and allows to iterate on source files and create in the identity ledger a silo name based on each application name reflected in the source files name.
    The source files validation step is also activated in the silo.
    By default, discovery files through which the verification is done are proposed, the names of the three files to check are specified, the presence of the mandatory attributes, etc…
    These validation steps are integrated in the discovery files.

  3. Data collect
  4. A main collector line allows to check to which type of matrix, from the three types proposed, the source file provided by the silo belongs.
    The child collector lines allow to create the related theoretical rights objects in the Identity Ledger.

  5. Theoretical rights policy
  6. The theoretical rights policy includes the rules that resolves theoretical rights in order to find out the involved people in the Identity Ledger from the theoretical rights matrix informations.

  7. Theoretical rights controls
  8. The theoretical rights controls available in this add-on are basic controls that allows to determine what is the identity perimeter and the applications perimeter to deal with.
    They allow to identity in the related perimeters people with over-allocation and under-allocation.

Revision History

    version 1.0

    initial version

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bw_theoreticalrights_1.1.5458.facet1.12016 R1Login to Download